I Want to PERSONALLY Work With You One-On-One In To Help You To Develop The 4 Traits Of A Rock Star Coach
Once you master "the mechanics" of training, your clients will get jaw-dropping results. We help you create an experience like no other in your group training sessions and we increase your effectiveness to lead them through a fun, safe and challenging workout.
You will learn hidden secrets for controlling the room during a group session, verbal cues that will make it feel like two Coaches are on the floor and tips for programming safe and effective workouts.
Trait #2 - The Leader
Your success in fitness hinges on your leadership skills. You must control the room when you're coaching groups. You must lead your clients with confidence. You must have a vision for yourself and your team. 

In this module we will help you to get all the tools needed to be a great leader so you can make a legacy based on the impact you've made on others.
Trait #3 - The Showman
Every session is like a show! In today's world, we need to keep things fun and entertaining. It doesn't mean you will be dancing around like a Broadway musical but we provide strategies that will make your sessions binge-worthy.
You will learn lessons from Dustin's experience in Pro Wrestling to help you to develop your showmanship skills. This is the intangible part of your workouts that makes you stand tall above any other fitness program.
Trait #4 - The Professional
Becoming known as the top fitness professional in your community takes a plan of action. You must build your reputation, look and act the part, value you and your clients time and become known as the #1 Fitness Professional in your community.
Rock Star Coach
The decision is now.